Must read:

A Fakir has a dream that God is lonely

There was a fakir who was very alone. He saw God in his dream and found that he was even more alone. The fakir was puzzled and asked God, "Why are you also so alone? You have many devotees -- where are they?"

On hearing this, God said, "I have always been alone, and hence only those who become absolutely alone are able to experience me. As for the second query, the so-called devotees and religious people have never been with me. Somebody is with Rama, somebody is with Krishna and somebody is with Mohammed or Mahavira. None of them is with me -- I am always alone. And therefore, one who is not with anyone and is all alone, is with me."

Shaken, the fakir awoke from the dream in the middle of the night and came running to me. He woke me and asked, "What is the meaning of such a dream?"

I said, "If it was a dream, I would have found some meaning, but this was the truth. Is it necessary to find the meaning of truth? Open your eyes and see. Those who are Hindus, Mohammedans, Buddhists or Christians because of an inherited religion are not religious. Religion can only be one. The boundaries created by man are not true for a religious mind. How can there be any cult, any scripture or any group, in experiencing truth? Where can there be a boundary for the boundless? How can there be a principle for the wordless? Where can you find a temple or a mosque in the void? What remains ultimately is God."